The Hand

First off, you can make a fist with your hand, and then shake it at other drivers on the freeway. Oh, no, I wouldn't do that, and that doesn't seem to fit with our diet.
So what else? Ah, yes. The palm of your hand is a measuring tool. It measures the perfect portion for you! I keep trying to convince the Lean Cuisine that it is smaller than my palm, so I must need more!
Other thoughts on the hand. I look at my hand and think, "Well, I haven't gained any weight in my hand." But then, I realize that sometimes my rings don't fit like they used to. I am still willing to blame that on the heat, but reality sets in after a while.
You know, the URL for this blog is cacheanddiet... so let's also post about caching.
I have an idea for another themed cache. More on that later, but here's a clue - CYOA (and that does not stand for Cover Your Own A**).
Last bit - my meal plan for the day: had an oatmeal bar this morning (220 calories, more than I have done for breakfast), a Lean Cuisine for lunch, and something similar for dinner. We stocked up on snacks last night (Special K bars have 90 calories each). Jody just walked in with other diet friendly snacks! The diet is spreading all over my work! KEWL!
right on... Cool on the cache. Good deal on the food too. So far I had some oatmeal and a grande nonfat sugarfree vanilla latte. Those really work for killing my appetite in a pinch...
ok, here's where I'm at today calorie-wise
oatmeal - 160
half an orange - 40 (about)
yogurt - 110
spinach - 20
grape tomatos - 10 (about)
salad dressing - 50
quaker oatmeal to go bar - 220
green tea diet drink - 5
special k bar - 90
-----------total so far - 705
some info from -
update -
280 - healthy choice manicotti
80 - wheat roll
80 - soilent salad
------------total so far - 1145
yay! room for a snack before bed! I'm so excited....
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