Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Metabolism Readjustment Weekend

The Metabolism Readjustment Weekend, or MRW, has come to an end. I am ready for it to be over. Who would have thought that a group of people who have made a change in the way they eat, then give themselves a “cheat” weekend, would look forward to getting pack on the program.
I did enjoy the eating out, being able to eat like I used to at a 4th of July gathering, and of course, my guilty pleasure, Taco Bell. Yes, I had more than one Taco Bell quesadilla on the MRW.
But I don’t feel as well in some ways after eating this way on the MRW.
And I want to keep losing some weight. I have had a very cool success recently at the mall. I’d like to keep that up.

Happy Independence Day Everyone!


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