Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thoughts on Healthy Geocaching

Ok, our typical geocaching day -

1. Discuss where we want to cache
2. Discuss the level of difficulty and terrain we want to tackle
3. Setup, run and install the pocketquery
4. Get some coffee and get in the Cahe-mobile
5. Geocache!
6. Eat
7. Geocache some more!
8. Discuss the world's problems and formulate solutions
9. Maybe get desert and more coffee
10. Discuss our next geocaching outing

Looks like a fun day!!

Unfortunately the way we've been caching has been eliminating any slack space I have left on my belt.

I think with some simple tweaks we can turn this pattern around and make this a healthy event.

First off (an obvious one) - pick caches with harder terrain. A higher terrain equates to more physical exertion which leads to more calories burnt.

Next is to replace my typical Starbucks grande raspberry mocha (440 calories) with perhaps a grande nonfat sugar-free vanilla latte (160 calories). Good start - same caffeine kick.

Along similar lines, I think a well outfitted Cahe-mobile needs a lot of cold water and low-cal munchies in it. Look under that parking lot lampost cover, chug some water. Divert a muggle, eat a carrot stick. Also packing your own snacks means more money for geotoys!

Now the hard part. It's been a hard days cache with higher terrain, we're all tired (but hydrated) and have a feeling of accomplishment finding these harder caches even though we now smell like sage (as we always do after climbing the hills in southern California). We deserve a good meal!!!

Well, the sage helps with us being to gluttonous because we don't want to stink up a REALLY nice restaurant. The trick here is to not feel like we get to eat more because we did the harder caches. I think the smart thing to do might be to save a particular cache we've been wanting to do for AFTER dinner. That way we won't want to eat that much and feel bogged down with rich food. We'll still be running on adrenaline and this will put less emphasis on the eating part of the day.

I think this cheap trick might work on me. As we are talking about where to get dinner, chug a bottle of water and eat a couple handfulls of those aforementioned carrot sticks. Then by the time we get the the restaurant, I'll order less food.

Then after dinner we can grab that last cache of the day with a feeling of accomplishment both in caching and being more healthy, and of course grab that second low cal starbucks because we're going to be good and skip desert. I suppose we could skip the starbucks too, but c'mon, baby steps here!!!

Please comment!!!


At 6:26 PM, Blogger Jenny Thomas said...

Sounds like some great ideas! We'll want to stock the car with other snacks besides carrot sticks - maybe 100 calorie snack packs and the like.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Azurcat said... go girl! Very motivating post! Yahhh...what she said. No more giant cache feasts. Part of the trick will be not to let ourselves get "starving"...ever. We wait to eat way too long then scarf out.
That's got to stop. I'm on my lunch break at work. I brought a frozen thingy to heat up. Everyone else went out for lunch together. Here I am, all alone. Suppose I better get used to that. I'll tell you one thing, it's going to be a big money saver in the long run to bring my lunch everyday. I need to go check out that sale, I wonder how long that 10 for 10 deal is on for? I need to go get some more of the 100 cal yogerts 20 for 10. That was Von's right? Until later....

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Azurcat said...

Oh geeeeez. I thought the long post was Jammie! So I need to say....You Go BOY! Thanks for the motivation. I saw it on the Blog page and know what happens when you do that. Oops.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Reela (WMG) said...

Okay, So I've been sticking to around 1500 calories a day so far and let me tell you... for a guy my size that isn't easy. I like the Hawaii theme for motivation. I would very much like to be able to lay on the beach and not be rolled into the water by some eco-nuts thinking they were helping me back to my natural habitat. Yesterday I had:

2 nutri-grain bars 280 cal

1 small bag of dried edamame 140 cal

1 yogart 100 cal

1 chicken w/string beans approx 400 cal

2 coffee w/2% milk approx 40 cal

total = 960 cal

Dinner of Chicken and veggies 500 cal
2 sugar-free Philly swirl sticks 20 cal
Grand total 1480
Today I've had:
1 apple 71 cal
1 nutri-grain 140 cal

I'm starving right now
p.s. I'm a retard, I couldn't post this yesterday because I forgot my login info. Must be the hunger getting to me. Tomrrow should be a fun day


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