Day 5 Support
Ok.....I'm here. (sort of) You mean I'm the only one who actually had to get up and go to work today. Bummer. I have a few minutes to sneak and post something. Jammie, I know what you mean about being at home. I have the most trouble when I'm at home. I tend to migrate to the fridge. Or, I'll be walking through and find myself standing in the pantry...looking, looking, then wondering, HEY! What am I doing in here? It's these little formerly un-noticed habbits that got me in this condition. I've been looking at the sale flyers for grocery stores this week. You know I've never done that before. I toss them with out a second glance. I need to go back and stock up on the yogerts and frozen meals. I don't mind them at all. The can of soup is easy too and tastes great. Yes, day 5 and we're all still on the wagon! Go team. Here comes our first weekend. I think after the first week it will be easier. I've been going to bed at night with that empty feeling. I think it's my shrinking cake bucket. Sunday is weigh in day. I hope at the least I didn't gain!
The lean cuisines are still 5 for $10 at Stater's. I'm looking out for the Paninis - they are supposed to be very good, and they were sold out at Staters last night.
good post! I hear you about the pantry loitering. I do the same thing, but I'll sometimes go from pantry to fridge then back to pantry again to make sure something didn't materialize that I want to eat :)
I think I'm going to try and change my behavior. Whenever I go to the pantry to look, I'm going to either drink a bottle of water or write a blog comment/post.
Once we get our habbits changed, we'll win the battle!
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