Sunday/End of Week Three
Weigh in today went OK. At least I didn't gain any. Coming off slowly for me, Scott is loosing much faster. Only one pound more this week for me. I am feeling good and I didn't gain so all is well. I just have to keep the motivation up so I don;t give up. Had a Southwest Chicken Panini for dinner last night and it was great. Put some lettuce in it too it was very flavorfull. Saturday was easy because I was stuck on the edge of the road selling stuff with my sister. I brought the SB Ceaser Chicken wrap due to the fact that I wasn't going to be able to heat anything up. That worked out well. I should have brought some lettuce to put in that one too, next time I will know. It was good anyway. I bought some fruit and stuff from the produce vender that sat up his stand next to us yesterday, got strawberries, a giant papaya, and some aspergas. Now that it's getting into summer fruits and vegggies we need to take advantage of the better prices and good fresh foods that are low in calories. I cut up the stawberries and sprinkeled equal on them and a little light whip cream, yummy desert last night and now bad on calories. I cut up some papaya for breakfast this morning, Nice tropical flavor to start off our Sunday morning. Well, Going to go out and get the yard done this morning, then work on the housework for awhile, vaccuum and stuff. It gets away from me fast, but I need to keep myself active, so might as well be productive. Hey....what movie did you guys see?
We saw Failure to Launch with Sarah Jessica Parker at the cheap show. It was nice to get out, but I think we still prefer the home theater. Anyways, like I said, it was fun to get out. I smuggled in some 100 calorie snack packs.
I want to change out one of the trees in front. That carrot tree isn't looking too good. I wonder how it is going to be getting out the old tree? There is a workout for you!
Good point on the summer veggies! We need to get into the habbit of hitting roadside fruit and veg stands when we're out caching. I think the hurdle for me is going to be the heat. I need to find ways to stay active during the summer instead of just hiding inside...
150 - lean pocket
100 - snack pack
220 - LC roasted potato + broc
80 - fruit cup
---------550 so far---------
By the way, those strawberries sound tasty!!
100 - popcorn
100 - pretzels
230 - banquet
320 - paninni
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