Day 29 - Pickles Rule!!!
Wahoo pickles, so much food for only 5 calories! that is all....
Day 25, people - pretty impressive!!! Go team!
I'm learning how nice it is to have prepackaged foods, being able to count calories with some accuracy. Without, it's only a guess. I looked up the calorie count for a slice o' pizza, and there are too many variables to get an answer. I must say, that the trick is to start paying attention to what a certain ammount of calories looks like, feels like, and fills up the tummy like. Then, be ready to identify that same look, feel, and fill when eating non packaged food.
Hey everyone! I talked to the owner lady of the coffee/frozen yogert shop "Java" something or other, that's in the shopping center by Sizzeler off Alta Murrieta. She says that the soft serve frozen yogert is fat free, sugar free, low carb, and 10 calories per oz. Her small yogert cup is 4 oz. So, I think we can get a big one without going out of our comfort zone. It comes in Chocolate and vanilla or swirl, (some of both). We should try some this weekend. The lady also said that they are open 6am to 6pm. Closed Sunday's, but she just sold the shop and the new people will be opening on Sundays too. I think it's as close to ice cream were going to get. I like it even not on a diet.
Good Job everyone!! We rock! I think we're all doing well here. Seems like just normal life now... I'd just like to figure out a little more variety though. But really all in all, this has been pretty darn successful!!
Can't really add much to what Cat said except that at this point I've lost 21 pounds but, I've been stuck there for a couple days. I guess it's time to try to trick my body into losing again by starting a work out regimine. Oh well I know this day would come.
Weigh in today went OK. At least I didn't gain any. Coming off slowly for me, Scott is loosing much faster. Only one pound more this week for me. I am feeling good and I didn't gain so all is well. I just have to keep the motivation up so I don;t give up. Had a Southwest Chicken Panini for dinner last night and it was great. Put some lettuce in it too it was very flavorfull. Saturday was easy because I was stuck on the edge of the road selling stuff with my sister. I brought the SB Ceaser Chicken wrap due to the fact that I wasn't going to be able to heat anything up. That worked out well. I should have brought some lettuce to put in that one too, next time I will know. It was good anyway. I bought some fruit and stuff from the produce vender that sat up his stand next to us yesterday, got strawberries, a giant papaya, and some aspergas. Now that it's getting into summer fruits and vegggies we need to take advantage of the better prices and good fresh foods that are low in calories. I cut up the stawberries and sprinkeled equal on them and a little light whip cream, yummy desert last night and now bad on calories. I cut up some papaya for breakfast this morning, Nice tropical flavor to start off our Sunday morning. Well, Going to go out and get the yard done this morning, then work on the housework for awhile, vaccuum and stuff. It gets away from me fast, but I need to keep myself active, so might as well be productive. Hey....what movie did you guys see?
We're just haning today (hoping I don't get called for tech support at the school).
After 5, and no one has blogged yet. Here I am! I'll blog. I'm talking to Scott on the phone right now, and finding out what his hang ups are on blogging. It's okay, Scott. We won't take it personally.
It's our 200th cache. Let's compare with our 100th cache.
Compare and contrast for yourself. I know I did!
Scott, you are a great self portrait taker!
I can't wait to post a picture of our 400th cache. We should be looking very slim by then!
And, watch out for #500! Wooohooo!
16 days, eveyone! 16 days! That's 16 days of eating well, no fast food, and lots of cash in my wallet!
Stay strong, my fellow dieters!
It seems like Monday's are actually easier to stay with the plan. It's back to a routine, lunch and snacks are packed and ready to go. Can't over-do it because I can only have what I brought! Weigh in went OK. I'm down a total of 12 lbs. Scott's at 17 lbs. I tried on some clothes over the weekend that I thought might fit....not yet! Maybe at 20...I'll try again. I've kept it under 1200 everyday so far. I realize that it took longer than two weeks to put it on, I have to be patient that it will take quite awhile to take it back off. I need to stay motivated. Any words of wisdom? How you all doing?
Tomorrow morning we will weigh in for week number two. Every day is getting easier to stick with it. We cooked chicken breasts on the BBQ tonight and stir fried some veggies with spicy seasonings. It was really good, filling and I think the whole thng was only about 275 calories. We cooked up extra meat to make salads for tomorrow or whatever we want to make out of it. I put itailian seasoning on it, no salt, and it's great. I think our stomachs are shrinking because it's taking a lot less to fill us up. Hope the Palm Springs thing went OK.
Hi all, today, Jenny and I have to go to Palm Springs to do family stuff. Painful because that restaurant is up there that (Las Cosuellas?) I've tried to go to 3 times and never got in. Well good! I don't want to go there again anyway! Yeah, so there...
... and she's hunrgy and depressed :( She doesn't even have a 100 calorie snack pack :(
Ok. I can do this. Day 10. It has really been getting easier. I'm no longer hungry at night when I go to bed. I actually was under calories for the last few days and feel fine. I did notice that my blood pressure is up, but that could have very well been going on for some time. I'll take it today and tomorrow then decide if I should have my doctor check it out. So, I'm going to start watching the sodium intake too. The one thing about these diet dinnners is that they are low in the flavor catagory and we tend to load on the salt. Jammie suggested "Mrs Dash" instead of salt to bring out flavor in our foods.
So, Cat and I passed each other on the way to work this morning (and I saw her)!
Okay people, today is about giving advice. I need advice.
Hey all! I just put up the recipe for the Salad Slurry. Lemme know what you think :)
What Azurcat said, ditto. Not doing nearly as well as mike but still sticking to it. 1070 calories so far today and only dinner left. Like Cat said 9.6 pounds... not too shabby. I agree with one of Mikes earlier posts, this time seems a little easier than before. I think it might be due to the fact that we're all doing it together (like a fellowship? scary). Keep coming back, one day at a time, work it cause it your worth it and all of that jazz. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
Wow! We actually made it one whole week. I'm feeling really good about that. It seems to be so much easier this time. I'm not the only pilgrim on the boat. The wiegh in this morning went fairly well. Scott lost 9.6 lbs. I lost 7.8 lbs. Not bad. Better than gaining, that's for sure. I hope that every week will show improvement. We went to the store again today and got some more meals, some more snacks and drinks. I think once we get in the groove it will be even more easy to stay on the wagon. We also bought some Healthy Choice meals, the calories are on the mark and they seem to be bigger portions. We will have one tonight and see how they taste. I LC Pizza for lunch with a spinich salad and it was all good. We chopped the stupid bushes off that were hanging obver the walkway, mowed and trimmed the lawns and did some clean up in the garage. It was warm out, I feel like we got some excercise and things look better. Trying to stay active is important.
Hey gang, we made it through a week. Yea team! Keep up the good work.
Here we go, this'll be hard for me. Some time to lounge around, which used to be lounge around and munch all day...
Ok.....I'm here. (sort of) You mean I'm the only one who actually had to get up and go to work today. Bummer. I have a few minutes to sneak and post something. Jammie, I know what you mean about being at home. I have the most trouble when I'm at home. I tend to migrate to the fridge. Or, I'll be walking through and find myself standing in the pantry...looking, looking, then wondering, HEY! What am I doing in here? It's these little formerly un-noticed habbits that got me in this condition. I've been looking at the sale flyers for grocery stores this week. You know I've never done that before. I toss them with out a second glance. I need to go back and stock up on the yogerts and frozen meals. I don't mind them at all. The can of soup is easy too and tastes great. Yes, day 5 and we're all still on the wagon! Go team. Here comes our first weekend. I think after the first week it will be easier. I've been going to bed at night with that empty feeling. I think it's my shrinking cake bucket. Sunday is weigh in day. I hope at the least I didn't gain!
I think shopping is going to be at least half the battle here.
Okay, here is what I know about $$$ for diet foods:
Ok, our typical geocaching day -
So, I feel overly gluttonous after last night's pig out at Malic Jespar, oh, Claim Jumper.